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Doctoral students develop their teaching and research activities in an international, open and open context.
This is attested both by participation in English-language lectures given by Italian and foreign lecturers and by international mobility.
Starting from the 33rd cycle, doctoral students are required to conduct 12 months of research and/or curricular training activities in qualified foreign institutions, agreed with the supervisor and approved by the College, with a 50 per cent increase in the grant. The duration of the stay abroad may vary for thematic fellowships, PNRR or fellowships financed by foreign states.
If certain conditions are met, doctoral students can obtain the label Doctor Europæus.
International mobility is favoured:

  •     by the presence of qualified lecturers and researchers from European and US universities both in the College and among supervisors and co-supervisors;
  •     by participation in competitive calls; or international mobility grants;
  •      Vinci call
  • the signing of cotutela and co-direction agreements with foreign universities
  •      by partnerships with foreign museums, superintendencies and archives;
  •      since 2018 there has been an active collaboration, renewed in 2023, with the Italian Archaeological School of Athens, to guarantee hospitality, scientific and educational assistance to PhD students.


The helpdesk for international students applying for residence permits is open at the Questura (Via Rismondo 68, Pavia) on Mondays from 9am to 12pm and Thursdays from 10am to 12pm.