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The candidates are assessed on the basis of their qualifications and through an oral exam.

During the 40th cycle, the admission criteria were the following.

1) Assessment of qualifications: up to 10 points to be assigned as follows.

  1. exams taken during the three-year degree programme (BA etc.), specialist/master's degree programmeand/or four-year degrees (e.g. Italian “vecchio ordinamento” degrees as per Ministerial Decree. 509/1999), including academic programmes attended in countries other than Italy. Candidates must state, for each degree programme, the individual grades for each taught course and the arithmetic mean of all the grades for each programme. Holders of non-Italian degrees must submit a transcript that includes the grades for each individual taught course and states the arithmetic mean of all the grades for each programme. The transcript must also state both the passing (minimum) grade for the programme and the maximum grade. Up to 2 points;
  2. postgraduate diplomas (specialization schools etc.); participation in archaeological excavations with positions of responsibility; collaborations with libraries/museums/archives, with medium/high-level tasks; documentable training periods in countries other than Italy; any other work or research activities at qualified institutions. All the activities listed above must be documented by a certificate issued by the line manager or coordinator, which also specifies the dates during which the candidate was employed in the relevant project or activity. Up to 1 point;
  3. publications (only if already published or accepted for publication, applicants should attach a PDF and relevant data relating to the publication venue); conference proceedings already accepted for publication and/or in press (attaching certificate from the editor / conference organizers). Publications and conference proceedings must be relevant to the research topics of the Doctorate and published within the 5 years that precede the date of publication of the call for applications. Up to 2 points;
  4. research project in Italian or English, not exceeding 16,000 characters including spaces (bibliography, sources and separate tables), relating to one of the research topics of the Doctorate as detailed above in Article 6. The research project must be structured as follows: brief general introduction on the state of the art in the field chosen by the candidate; presentation of the research and its objectives; discussion of the expected results with the evaluation/indication of the contribution made to the disciplinary fields of reference; (general) overview of the research activities during the three years of the Doctorate. Up to 5 points.

The minimum score required for admission to the oral exam is 6/10 points.

2) Oral exam: up to 30 points.

The oral exam can be performed in Italian or in English. Candidates who perform the oral exam in Italian must also demonstrate, during the exam itself, knowledge of the English languageThe oral test focuses on the research project as a means for assessing the candidate's aptitude for research activity, as well as its expertise in the specific field in which it wishes to specialize.

The oral exam is considered as passed if the candidate has been awarded at least 21 points.

For more details on the admission process please refer to the call for applications:

The archive of expired calls for applications can be accessed at: