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Who are we ?

The Department of Political and Social Sciences, formerly known as the Faculty of Political Sciences, was founded in 1926. It is a multidisciplinary scientific community that encompasses
areas of study including political science, political philosophy, economics, statistical sciences, a wide and complete range of historical sciences as well as studies in International relations, juridical sciences, sociology, institutional and market communication science.

Members of the teaching staff conduct research in all these fields, often involving students in their projects. This provides students with the immediate opportunity to apply the knowledge
they have acquired during their degree courses.

The Department also boasts an extensive network of partnerships with other international institutions, enabling faculty members to establish exchange projects for themselves, to offer Erasmus projects for students, and provide the opportunity to take part in important international research projects.

Being part of the scientific community of the Department of Political and Social Sciences has always meant, and continues to mean,  studying the world we live in analytically, using scientific
method to offer society food for thought and new knowledge.

Live the Department

The portrait of the Department of Political and Social Sciences is depicted through the voices of the Board members and of its students. From Teaching to Research, from Communication to opportunities for international students, discover an ever-evolving ecosystem that is focused on the future and to the opportunities it holds
