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Centro di documentazione e studi interdisciplinari sulle istituzioni e le politiche per la montagna - (CeDIM)

The Center aims to collect, organize and enhance documents concerning the history and policies developed by government institutions for the Italian mountains, albeit with a special focus on the Lombardy region, with particular reference to what has happened from the Constitution to the present. The documentation was identified and partially collected in the course of DSPS activities dedicated to the study of mountains and is connoted as a fund pertaining to Ce.D.I.M. - Center for Documentation and Interdisciplinary Studies on Mountain Institutions and Policies whose regulations have been approved by the Department.

The rearrangement of the mountain sources succeeds in being functional to a better understanding of the legal-economic and political-territorial determinants that run through mountain worlds, as well as to the subsequent reworking and scientific and institutional reflection on the most topical issues affecting the varied world of the Italian mountains. Attention to the dimension of institutional and territorial governance, the tension towards local development, the analysis of incentive policies and public policies of territorial matrix that can be experimented in favor of mountain areas, finally, allow to vary on the theme of territorial marginality that sometimes invests the latter, through comparative analyses by affinity or contrast on inland and/or rural areas, in any case connoted by dimensions of disadvantage and needs of presidium.

The Center acts as an authoritative interlocutor of local, regional and national authorities and institutions, as well as other autonomies and functional subjects, placing its scientific reflection - promoted through the organization of seminars or conferences, the publication of research and dossiers, and the sharing of methods and tools for the reworking and evaluation of policies - at their same service, also in relation to possible partnership projects and technical-scientific support.

For further information:

Ce.D.I.M. pursues purposes of research and preservation of documents concerning the history, activities, legislation and policies developed by the institutions of government of the Italian mountains - and Lombardy in particular - from the Constitution to the present. The Center also organizes the documentary heritage with the most modern and appropriate digital documentary techniques, enhances the collected documentation considering it a real archival heritage to be studied, interpreted, and made usable inside and outside the University, and establishes relationships of involvement, collaboration and comparison with mountain institutions and their representatives.

The Ce.D.I.M. also aims to promote research and carry out interdisciplinary scientific relations, in the various possible forms, applied to the themes of mountain policies and the documentation collected by involving researchers, professors, specialists, both nationally and internationally, as well as organizing conventions, seminars, conferences dedicated to the presentation of the results of the interdisciplinary research it conducts. Finally, it participates in networks of institutions and research centers dedicated to mountain policy issues.


Direttore del Ce.D.I.M: prof. Giuseppe Carlo Ricciardi

Componenti Comitato tecnico-scientifico:

-             Giacomo Balduzzi (Uniupo);

-             Elena Ballante (Unipv);

-             Alberto Ceriani (Fondazione Romagnosi);

-             Giovanni Cordini (Unipv);

-             Valentina Colangelo (Unipv);

-             Silvia Figini (Unipv);

-             Giampaolo Ioriatti;

-             Giuseppe Carlo Ricciardi (Unipv);

-             Eugenio Salvati (Unipv);

-             Luca Testoni (Unipv);

-             Emanuele Tuccari (Unipv)

-             Alessandro Venturi (Unipv);

-             Andrea Zatti (Unipv);

-             Alessandro Crosetti (UniTo);

-             Roberto Louvin (UniTs);

-             Irene Preti  (personale tecnico-amministrativo DSPS).

Componenti Comitato direttivo:

-             Alberto Ceriani (Condirettore del Centro)

-             Giampaolo Ioriatti

-             Giuseppe Carlo Ricciardi ( Direttore)

-             Alessandro Venturi

-             Andrea Zatti

Componenti Segreteria organizzativa:

-             Valentina Colangelo

-             Giampaolo Ioriatti (Coordinatore della Segreteria)

-             Luca Testoni