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Casip - Centro Interuniversitario di Analisi dei Simboli e delle Istituzioni Politiche “Mario Stoppino”

The Inter-University Center for the Analysis of Political Symbols and Institutions “Mario Stoppino” (CASIP) is a permanent inter-university structure, which carries out seminar, research and publishing activities. Three locations converge there: the University of Pavia, the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan and the University of Trieste. The administrative headquarters of the Center is at the University of Pavia.
The Center's activities are coordinated by a Board of Directors composed of six members (two from each affiliated university) and a secretary. The Director pro-tempore is appointed by the Board of Directors. Supervision is entrusted to a Scientific Committee composed of distinguished scholars who are experts in the cultural and scientific issues cultivated by the Center.
Attached to CASIP is the journal Quaderni di Scienza Politica (Il Mulino).

Francesco Battegazzorre (Università di Pavia, Direttore)
Diego Abenante (Università di Trieste)
Cristina Bon (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano)
Ian Carter (Università di Pavia)
Giuseppe Ieraci (Università di Trieste)
Damiano Palano (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano)
Flavio Chiapponi (Università di Pavia, Segretario)