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Research Topics

The Department of Political and Social Sciences carries out research in numerous disciplinary areas :

All these different fields stem / lead off into different areas of research which have led to a rich and varied scientific production. 


 Private law, Contract and obligation law, organisational and civil liability law. Comparative private law, protection of personal data, private law for new technologies with particular attention on themes connected to artificial intelligence, cryptocurrencies and the main privacy aspects of communication 
(Prof. Emanuele Tuccari)

 Constitutional Law, Federalism and Regionalism, Rights and Gender Equality, Constitutional History, European Forms of Government, Emergency Communications 
(Prof.ssa Silvia Illari)


International Economics, Migration, The labor market 
(Prof. Emanuele Forlani)

Public economics, economic tools and preservation of the environment, Economic analysis of corruption, Territorial policies   
(Prof. Andrea Zatti)

Economics of Well-Being / welfare, Economics of development              
(Prof. Enrica Chiappero)

Economics of innovation, International mobility of qualified workers. Green Technologies, Regional systems of innovation, Industrial Districts, Innovation Policies
(Prof. Andrea Morrison)

The Green transition; Sustainable development; Global Value Chains; Small and mid-sized industries; Multinationals; Innovation; Economic Development; Emerging Countries; Industrial Development; Cluster; China, Eastern Asia; Latina America                                             
(Prof. Roberta Rabellotti)


Conceptual analysis – freedom – rights – distributive equality – basic equality – respect – Political theory
(Prof. Ian Carter)

Political philosophy; Theory of democracy; Theory of liberal legitimacy; Public ethics; Social epistemology; Multiculturalism and the management of political conflicts
(Prof. Federica Liveriero) 

Language and translation – English. The main topics of research: acquisition and learning English as a foreign language, English linguistics, audiovisual translation, oral communication genres in English, English pragmatics
(Prof.ssa Elisa Ghia e Prof.ssa Cristina Mariotti)



Entrepreneurship, Family Business, Marketing
(Prof.ssa Elisa Conz)


History of the Cold War in Asia / Relations between Europe and Asia ( History and Current Affairs), History of Chinese Foreign Policy, History of China.
(Prof. Axel Berkofsky)

Theory of international relations - Theories of hegemony - Security Institutions - Food Security
(Prof. Marco Clementi)


Electoral behavior - Political communication - Public opinion - Attitudes towards politics - Comparative electoral behavior - Electoral campaigns - Media and politics - Italian politics - Generations and politics
(Prof. Guido Legnante)

European Integration, Euroscepticism – Welfare Policies
(Prof. Eugenio Salvati)

Power Theories – Institutional Policies – President of the Council of Ministers –Public Administration – Organised Crime – Energy Policies – University Policies
(Prof.ssa Cristina Barbieri)

Political Communication – Democratic Theory – Parties, Movements and Populist leaders in Europe
(Prof. Flavio Chiapponi)

Political Theory – Gender and Politics – European Studies – Methods of Text Analysis
(Prof.ssa Pamela Pansardi) 

Digital Methods, Consumer Culture, Surveillance Capitalism, Older People & Digital Media.
(Prof. Alessandro Caliandro)

Sociology of Organisation and Work: organisational changes in higher education, the academic profession, science and society, technologies and organisations
(Prof. Massimiliano Vaira)

Economy and work sociology – Higher education, society and economics – Occupation and the job market for graduates – The academic profession – The Third Mission of universities – Public Engagement – Collaboration between universities and companies / businesses– Life  and career for university students – University Governance
(Prof. Michele Rostan)

Gender inequalities in the family, in education and the job market – Discrimination – Educational inequalities – Social stratification               (Prof.ssa Nevena Kulic)

Sociology of immigration – Sociology of cultural processes
(Prof.ssa Anna Rita Calabrò)

Machine Learning; Big Data; Data Driven Approaches; Bayesian Statistics; Indices of inequality
(Prof.ssa Silvia Figini)


History of the revolutions and the Counter-revolutions of the Long Nineteenth Century; History of Diplomacy XVIII-XXI centuries – with particular reference to the political phenomenon of youth movements; exile, iconoclasm, the musealization of memory.
(Prof.ssa Arianna Arisi Rota)

Political History – The Dutch, Italian and French influence on political culture and the English intellectual of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; The impact of political and social ideas of the European democratic exiled on British political thought in the nineteenth century.
(Prof. Marco Barducci)

Political history _ History of Public Administration - History of Governments and Local Public Policies – History of Political Institutions
(Prof.ssa Elisabetta Colombo)

History of the environment, History of industrial disasters, History of Republican Italy, History of the Resistance and antifascism
(Prof. Bruno Ziglioli)


Cultural and social anthropology, land conflicts and witchcraft in Togo, slavery and post-slavery in Madagascar, domestic work, Banditry, ageing and old age in Africa and in the diaspora
(Prof. Marco Gardini)